On the Owl & Badger podcast we have the opportunity to speak with people from different backgrounds and experiences in our interview episodes. It’s certainly a highlight for us and we are thankful to each person willing to give their time to be on the podcast. The majority of these interviews have been with Christians and an important thread with each of our special guests has been their desire to pursue and stand for truth as they seek to serve Christ. An analogy is that we are all on a road taking us towards the heavenly kingdom, with some people further along the road, whilst others might be a little way back.
The important point to grasp is that they are all on the right road.
The intention of these interviews is to encourage and challenge listeners to keep travelling down this often hard, sometimes lonely road. We have to help one another stay on the path to life. But it’s also an opportunity for others not yet on this road, to hear from seasoned pilgrims and hopefully have their attention drawn to what it means to follow after Christ.
This is why our latest interview with William Philip, a fellow traveller along the road to life, is well worth a listen.
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