We have reached the point where a pupil ‘identifying’ as something other than the biological truth that they are born either a boy or a girl is becoming normal in school. From my own experience as a father of teenage boys, who relay the outrageous things that are said in the classroom, this sadly comes as no surprise. An example of this madness has come to light over the last few days as a teacher at Rye College, a state secondary in East Sussex, was recorded telling a 13-year-old pupil who refused to accept her classmate could identify as a cat that she was “despicable.” During the recorded conversation (secretly done by a pupil) at the end of a class on “life education,” this same teacher asked the pupils “where did you get this idea from that there are only two genders?” adding: “It is not an opinion.” This teacher then told the Year 8 pupils (13-year-olds) they were being reported to a senior leader and were no longer welcome at the school if they continued to express the view that only boys and girls exist. After this incident the school has stated that no children at Rye College identify as a cat or any other animal. However, the girls and their parents claimed it was their understanding that one did and a teacher at the school clearly facilitated this notion.
This prompts a key question that few seem to be asking. If pupils thought it was ok to do something as ludicrous as ‘identify’ as a cat in school, then where did they get that idea from? A key part of the answer is, their teacher.
Through the insidious indoctrination via PSHE (and other subjects), schools have become a breeding ground for harmful ideologies. In some cases this is tantamount to grooming and child abuse. This begs further questions as to why some teachers are so complicit in promoting these dangerous ideologies that lead to these crazy outcomes and why there aren’t more teachers (like this brave lady) speaking up about the lies they are being asked to propagate?
Teachers have a difficult job, we want to support them in doing a good job, but peddling lies will not result in good outcomes, let alone bring job satisfaction. They need to find the courage both individually and collectively to speak up against this evil.
If teachers want to strike about something, strike about this. They will have overwhelming support.
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